Friday, May 2, 2008

A Mother's Thoughts

Silent and lone, silent and lone!
Where, tell me where, are my little ones gone,
That used to be playing about my knee,
With their noisy mirth and boisterous glee?
Who littered the carpets and misplaced the chairs,
And scattered their playthings all unawares;
Who called for their suppers, with eager shout,
And while they were getting, ran in and out;
Who kept all the apples and nuts from spoiling,
And never saved jackets and pants from soiling.

Silent and lone, silent and lone!
Where, tell me where, are my little ones gone?
There are no little faces to wash to-night,
No little troubles for mother to right,
No little blue eyes to be sung to sleep,
No little playthings to put up to keep,
No little garments to hang on the rack
No little tales to tell, no nuts to crack,
No little trundle bed brimful of rolic,
Calling for mamma to settle the frolic,
No little soft lips to press me with kisses-
Oh! such a sad, lonely evening as this is;
No little voices to shout with delight,
"Good night, dear mamma, good night, good night!"
Silent the house is, no little ones here,
To startle a smile or chase back a tear.
-by a Short Creek Mother

The above poem was published in volumn 19 (October 1953) of the Truth Magazine.


Anonymous said...

I'll never forget that sad April day
When the Baptists brought buses and
Cops hauled us away
From our home on the ranch
Where the kids used to play
And sing "Ki Yi Yippe Ki Yay"

I'll never forget how all we knelt and prayed
While men with machine guns
Filed in like a parade
By the hundreds, an army
Swarmed God's holy place
Singing "Ki Yi Yippe Ki Yay"

I'll never forget hearing Judge Walther say
That my parents' beliefs were
Abusive per se
And I needed protection
From them and their faith
She sang "Ki Yi Yippe Ki Yay"

So they brought in more buses and swept me away
Into foster care, now the Judge
Says I am safe
But I don't feel that way
All alone and afraid
Singing "Ki Yi Yippe Ki Yay Ki Yay"
Singing "Ki Yi Yippe Ki Yay"

Posted by Gritsforbreakfast at 11:02 AM

can_you_believe_it said...

Oh, to have a Jefferson, Washington, Kennedy, or Martin Luther King, Jr. at a time like now. We live in a country where we boast of freedom and allow a government to walk over the rights of some of our fellow citizens. Like them or not, these polygamists are Americans and are therefore entitled to the rights and liberties offered through the Bill of Rights and Constitution. If our government fails to represent fairly the rights of the polygamist women, who have had their children torn from them, we as their fellows owe our forefathers the courtesy of protesting first, demanding second, and revolting if necessary to check a governmental power that thinks they have the authority to destroy lives without following the inalienable rights of that government's citizens. Who on earth do they think they are? If they fail to protect the true interests and innocence of the children as well as their parents, those officials should be fired by us, the people, the ones who hired them in the first place. Shame on any individual, who hides his/her face in the American flag while tearing families apart. Prosecute abusive crime, yes, but HANDS OFF! the innocent.