Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Latter-Day Taint

Jacob Sullum posted this very interesting article on

I'm not quite as old-fashioned as the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (FLDS), which hews to the early-marriage customs of the 19th century and the polygamous practices of biblical times. But I'm old-fashioned enough to believe the government needs a good reason to pull a crying, clinging child away from her mother and hand her over to the care of strangers.

The possibility that the child might marry an older man 10, 12 or 14 years from now does not cut it. Citing that long-term, speculative danger to justify the certain, immediate damage it has done by forcibly separating hundreds of children from their parents, the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services has violated its duty to take such extreme measures only when there's no other way to prevent imminent harm.

Here is the link for the rest of the article:

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

FLDS Raid - A Dangerous Precedent

Joel Skousen has this to say in regard to the raid on the FLDS people in El Dorado:
But this should not deter the nation from realizing the danger of the tenuous legal proposition that mere membership in a group (that may have isolated examples of marrying underage girls) makes all unworthy of possessing any children at all--ever. That is wrong, especially when legal remedies exist to prosecute specific wrongdoers.
Even if you don't like or agree with the lifestyle of the FLDS, it is important to understand that the tactics being employed by the state of Texas are wrong and may someday be used against any group in America (whether polygamist or not).

Here is the link for the entire article:

Monday, April 28, 2008

Editorial In Spectrum

The Spectrum published an editorial on April 27 that makes some very good points.

We should stow the drama, ignore the prejudices one way or the other and put our own beliefs on hold and take a long, hard look at the legality of what is occurring in Texas.

Texas is violating the civil rights of the FLDS people and psychologically damaging the children with the way they are handling this case.

Let's all try to put our emotions on hold and find out the FACTS before we start condemning people.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Is this a meeting or a party?

Annual Town Hall Meeting

Heads up:

The Utah & Arizona Safety Net Committee is holding their (our) annual shindig in St. George. May 8, 2008 at the Dixie Center.

We see this as a good opportunity to meet with government agents - especially the AGs Office - and work on current issues.

Want your voice heard? Don't sleep in. We need you there.

Here is more information.