Monday, April 28, 2008

Editorial In Spectrum

The Spectrum published an editorial on April 27 that makes some very good points.

We should stow the drama, ignore the prejudices one way or the other and put our own beliefs on hold and take a long, hard look at the legality of what is occurring in Texas.

Texas is violating the civil rights of the FLDS people and psychologically damaging the children with the way they are handling this case.

Let's all try to put our emotions on hold and find out the FACTS before we start condemning people.


Liberty said...

Penelope....that is an excellent point. As a mother, I can only try to put my self in their shoes. I have ancestors that came from England and fought for religious freedom, and this has gone from attacking a religion to flat out denying the people their basic rights. How can any american, let alone someone in government sit still and watch this horrifying act.

Rosey said...

Just some of my 2cents worth:

Does polygamy equal abuse? You say it does, so I must follow that logic and assume that monogamy equals protection.
If children of monogamist relationships are protected from abuse and neglect at all costs then I would agree that it is indeed the better lifestyle. If you can show me that monogamist relationships are fulfilling and rich, with security, respect and love, then that will be my relationship of choice. If you can demonstrate that children in these families are educated, intelligent members of society regardless of race, creed or geographical locations, then I might very well change my belief. If you can exhibit the hearty and healthy family relations in monogamist families, and reveal that it rivals any other life choice, then you will have convinced me of the error of my ways.
When 60% of monogamist marriages do not end in divorce and babies are welcomed into the world as happy additions instead of unfortunate accidents, then you will have my attention. When I can go to any city in America, enroll my children in any school and be assured that there is no abuse, neglect or abandonment then my hearts core will be shaken and I’ll trust you. When I can look around society and on every corner of our globe and see happy monogamist relationships then I’ll be convinced. When there aren’t any women scorned, abandoned, and forced into prostitution and then abortion because of the heinous society they live in, then I will renounce my belief systems. I will disregard the benefit of a lifestyle where there is companionship and trust. I will look away from the loving advantage of multiple families. I will try not to appreciate the wisdom of the aged and the care of mothers who love my own children like their own. I will turn my eyes from the value of teamwork and the independence of industry. I will strive to promote a Hollywood centered example for my children. I will endeavor to tell them that there is love in a world where I only see hate and disrespect. I will teach them the cost of standing up for their beliefs is too steep, that selling their souls to a corrupt and failing society is the far better option. And while I watch them destroy their lives and sell their birthright, I will smile because at least I didn’t allow them to be ‘abused’.


Anonymous said...

Well said - let freedom ring. I sometimes wonder if we would all worry about caring for our own selves and families we wouldn't have time to worry about others families.

As any parent your goal is to teach and raise upstanding Americans with morality and a drive for excellence, is it not? Why worry if it took two moms to accomplish that!

Me Oh My said...

let freedom ring,
Your comment rings true to my heart. How soceity can sit by and watch fellow citizens have their rights so wrongly trampled is difficult for me to comphrehend. Any loving mother should put her self in these women's shoes and think of how they would feel having their babies and children torn from their arms. The men should think of this also. What would you do if you had your children torn from your arms and left in bewilderment of what you did wrong or where your children have gone?